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We could observe the changing of  Eras by the invention of new technologies and their adoption. Now we enter the digital age, with the development of the computer, coding techniques and the internet.

Every single area of human activity seems to be impacted and transformed by these technologies.

The development of the computer came with a fundamental shift to coding techniques, from thousands of years of civilizations developing  under the use of writing techniques.

Now we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of this colossal move. We started with computation and computers as a tool for calculations, processing information, automation, modeling and "sim" creation, then to a communication tool with the internet of information, now moving to a full multimedia environment for socialization, production, governance, entertainment, education and commerce. 

In the process of discovering what novelties this technology and techniques bring, we had projected and pushed our inherited understandings and views of the world based on writing techniques into this new "dimension" built by coding techniques, using computation to mimic and simulate to "represent" as with what we call Virtual reality, or a more fresh example, when we mimic the properties of "cash" like scarcity with cryptocurrencies.  

From a TE perspective, we are now at a period where we reached peak unnecessary complexity in every aspect of our life, bringing unnecessary energy consumption, pollution and noise. The main factor behind this unnecessary complexity might be in the "how" we are organizing society, not a problem any more of lack of technology, we have all the technology and techniques necessary to create clean abundance for all habitants of the planet, with decentralized and distributive patterns of organization which favor local co-operative production of all basic services. The focus is to harness the organizational potential behind this new technologies, to eliminate unnecessary intermediaries and waste, to redesign production and governance, to avoid the "Big brother, 1984" direction we are taking. Not about building alternative "virtual realities"or rockets to conquer other planets, or merging humans with machines as if happiness and wellbeing had to do with that.

The "how" luckily now has nothing to do with ideologies like capitalism, communism and beliefs in money... In a connected world, it all depends on transactions independently of beliefs. If we think economy without money, like in tribal times, what remains? The ability to transact and exchange, so lets focus on reengineering the patterns of association and exchange, beyond the current model of enterprise and corporations, we are at the opening of the gamification of economy, introduced by crypto mining. So what game do we want to play is the open question...Not how to make the world "fit" right-left, blue-red ideologies and believes forever in conflict.

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