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Global socio/community

How do we imagine the future for the planet? Is there a way we could all live with peace, abundance of healthy food, clean water, ecological shelter, transportation and most importantly love and freedom, or at least an approximation to that? Sounds very difficult to give an optimistic answer to these questions if we observe a lot of what is going on in the world right now, including wars, ecosystem degradation, ideological conflicts, economic crisis, social crisis at many levels, addictions, and corruption in every mayor institution etc., but all this can be observed through different lenses or perspectives, not all is terrible for everyone and everywhere, life seems to be making it´s miracles everywhere and we might be at the verge of a new beginning, of a great shift, we might be witnessing the end of a paradigm, of an era and the sprouting seeds of a new pattern of a new shape might be not se easy to perceive at this phase, but one thing  seems clear… the only chance for a better world to emerge depends on hope, hope in action, depends on the positive and beautiful visions of the future hold by does who realize the power within us, the power of dreaming , visioning and walking together towards the achievement of the visions. In that sense I feel happy and faithful of the possibilities I can envision together with so many others sharing the same dreams, and those dreams are all unique for everyone, but they all share some common characteristics, and these characteristics might be the blueprints or clues of what to strive for as a collective co-operative species. It might be naïve to think that this new emerging paradigm will suddenly happen without all the pain and destruction that seems underway, but that is not a reason to stop working towards it.

A common pattern that I see appearing in the visions has to do with something I'm calling socio-community which brings the best of both at a global cooperative level. At a social level it means that we will have the proper tools to be able to exchange goods and services freely without the need to be part of a close and localized community. At the community level because we will be embedded In relationships and transactions that benefit the whole and that are based on caring for the others caring for our planet and love for life and trust. For this to work and to happen as describe with these characteristics several things need to evolved together like the consciousness at the individual level, the organizational tools, and the awareness and education in relation to the current potential of technology and tools.

Some aspects are elements of this possible future vision includes a cooperative tokenize economy organize around bioregions and local production. This bioregions will produce most of the necessities of life based on the characteristics and capacity of the region and it's inhabitants following design principles like permaculture, holistic management, agroforestry and all kinds of regenerative techniques. A key characteristic of this new way of organizing society is that each individual will always be accounted for every transaction simultaneously as an investor as a provider of service and as a consumer of service in a way that everyone will be participating also as a shareholder of the co-ocreated reality, this new organizational tools and economic tools will allow a much broader variety of values to circulate contrasting the current economic system which limits what can circulate as value convertible into money. These new organizational tools will not depend anymore on numbers to represent value so value talents and capabilities will be able to circulate under a new codification of value. An important thing to understand and make sure we know how to achieve is that by using the current technologies and knowledge we have for producing abundance of healthy food, clean water, shelter and energy through regenerative processes we could achieve well-being for everyone, so the bottleneck has little to do with the technologies techniques and knowledge available but has more to do with the economic political, social, and believe paradigms we are using. By changing the rules and the paradigm of knowledge, we could harness the potential of these tools and techniques to regenerate the planet and had abundance for all.

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